The publication of our Annual Report is an important opportunity to pause and reflect on the past 12 months in our organisation…and in looking back, it’s hard to believe just how much we’ve all had to deal with, both personally and professionally.
I would say these are tough times in lots of ways…we are still dealing with the uncertainty of COVID in its many iterations, managing change in routines, traditions and practice, juggling the balance between work and home, all while trying to maintain our health and relationships and for many, make ends meet.
And yet we do manage, sometimes step by step, sometimes in big leaps…sometimes we’re even heading off in a completely different direction! Some are thriving in this time of great change…and some are not doing so well…we see that, and we acknowledge the different experiences.
At Therapy Focus, we have also dealt with many changes, including the resignation of our CEO, Angelena Fixter, the subsequent interim arrangements with Brendan Parker as our Acting CEO and the most welcome appointment of Alison Kelly in August as our new CEO.
We have also experienced significant financial pressures as a result of the COVID pandemic, compliance obligations, workforce shortages and systems transformation. We acknowledge the impact of these pressures and now have a clear plan in place to ensure our sustainability for the future.
Throughout all this change, one thing is unchanged.
Our services continue to have an enormous positive impact on our customers, their families and communities. Feedback confirms the value of the relationships people develop with their therapists and the support team and provides important opportunities to improve the way we do things.
Therapy Focus is not immune from the workforce shortages that exist across Australia, and we are working hard to attract and retain the right people for our organization, while advocating at a state and national level for solutions. We understand how frustrating it is to be on a waitlist for services, and how disruptive it can be when therapists move on. Our people are our highest priority.
On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank you for your loyalty to Therapy Focus and your commitment to being part of an extraordinary journey with us.

Fiona Payne
Therapy Focus Board Chair